In these years we have estimated the state of conservation of many paintings and on some of them we have realized supports aimed to their valorization. If you wish, we can, free of charge, check the state of conservation of your painting by means of some photos and short description you will send either via e mail to

Beyond your personal identifying data (name, surname, address, telephone, email) and all the information that you will think useful to send, we suggest you to give, if present and known, this information:
Object for example painted on burlap
Subject for example Madonna with Child
Dimensions (cm h x b)
Technique of execution for example oil on burlap, watercolour
Frame (original or less)
Presence of signature and date and Eventual inscription front/back

Every estimation regarding the author, attribution, origin, date, age, origin of the works subordinated to our judgment, is to be considered our opinion (result of our experience and of our advisers).
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